create_trackplot creates a horizontal plot with rows representing separate tracks
create_trackplot creates a horizontal plot with rows representing separate tracks
start_id = "start",
end_id = "end",
colour_id = NULL,
colour_scheme = c("red", "blue"),
alpha = 1,
xlimits = c(min(track_data[, start_id]), max(track_data[, end_id])),
filename = NULL,
main = NULL,
main.just = "center",
main.x = 0.5,
main.y = 0.5,
main.cex = 3,
xlab.label = "Interval Coordinates",
ylab.label = "Row",
xlab.cex = 2,
ylab.cex = 2,
xlab.col = "black",
ylab.col = "black", = NULL, = 2, = "black", = "center", = 0.5, = 0,
xat = TRUE,
xaxis.lab = NA,
yaxis.lab = generate_row_ids(track_data[, row_id]),
xaxis.cex = 1.5,
yaxis.cex = 1.5,
xaxis.rot = 0,
yaxis.rot = 0,
xaxis.fontface = "bold",
yaxis.fontface = "bold",
xaxis.col = "black",
yaxis.col = "black",
xaxis.tck = c(1, 1),
yaxis.tck = c(1, 1),
add.grid = FALSE, = xat,
grid.colour = NULL,
axes.lwd = 1,
key = list(text = list(lab = c(""))),
legend = NULL,
top.padding = 0.1,
bottom.padding = 0.7,
right.padding = 0.1,
left.padding = 0.5, = 0.1,
key.left.padding = 0,
ylab.axis.padding = 1,
axis.key.padding = 1,
add.axes = FALSE,
axes.lty = "dashed",
abline.h = NULL,
abline.v = NULL,
abline.col = "black",
abline.lwd = 1,
abline.lty = 1,
add.points = FALSE,
points.x = NULL,
points.y = NULL,
points.pch = 19,
points.col = "black",
points.col.border = "black",
points.cex = 1,
add.line.segments = FALSE,
line.start = NULL,
line.end = NULL,
line.col = "black",
line.lwd = 1,
height = 6,
width = 6,
size.units = "in",
resolution = 1600,
enable.warnings = FALSE,
- track_data
a dataframe detailing segments
the start position of the segment, based on histogram vector index
the end position of the segment, based on histogram vector index
values; numeric data for plotting
character or factor; identifier for the row
colour for the row
- row_id
character, column name used to indicate the track row
- metric_id
character, column name of metric column
- start_id
character, column name used to indicate start of intervals, default "start"
- end_id
character, column name used to indicate end of intervals, default "end"
- colour_id
character, optional, column name for the colour of the track
- colour_scheme
a two colour scheme to scale numeric data in the
column, default white, black- alpha
alpha (transparency) of tracks, default 1
- xlimits
numeric vector of length 2 indicating the start and end indices of the track respectively
- filename
Filename for tiff output, or if NULL returns the trellis object itself
- main
The main title for the plot (space is reclaimed if NULL)
- main.just
The justification of the main title for the plot, default is centered
- main.x
The x location of the main title, deault is 0.5
- main.y
The y location of the main title, default is 0.5
- main.cex
Size of text for main plot title
- xlab.label
x-axis label
- ylab.label
y-axis label
- xlab.cex
Size of x-axis label, defaults to 3
- ylab.cex
Size of y-axis label, defaults to 3
- xlab.col
Colour of the x-axis label, defaults to “black”
- ylab.col
Colour of the y-axis label, defaults to “black”
The label for the top x-axis
Size of top x-axis label
Colour of the top x-axis label
Justification of the top x-axis label, defaults to centered
The x location of the top x-axis label
The y location of the top y-axis label
- xat
Vector listing where the x-axis labels should be drawn, defaults to automatic
- xaxis.lab
Vector listing x-axis tick labels, defaults to automatic
- yaxis.lab
Vector listing y-axis tick labels, defaults to automatic
- xaxis.cex
Size of x-axis scales, defaults to 2
- yaxis.cex
Size of y-axis scales, defaults to 2
- xaxis.rot
Counterclockwise rotation of text in x-axis scales in degrees, defaults to 0
- yaxis.rot
Counterclockwise rotation of text in y-axis scales in degrees, defaults to 0
- xaxis.fontface
Fontface for the x-axis scales
- yaxis.fontface
Fontface for the y-axis scales
- xaxis.col
Colour of the x-axis tick labels, defaults to “black”
- yaxis.col
Colour of the y-axis tick labels, defaults to “black”
- xaxis.tck
Specifies the length of the tick mark, defaults to 1 for both top and bottom axes
- yaxis.tck
Specifies the length of the tick mark, defaults to 1 for both top and bottom axes
- add.grid
Logical stating wheter or not the grid should be drawn on the plot
Vector listing where the x-axis grid lines should be drawn, defaults to xat
- grid.colour
ability to set individual grid line colours
- axes.lwd
Thickness of width of axes lines
- key
A list giving the key (legend). The default suppresses drawing
- legend
Add a legend to the plot. Helpful for adding multiple keys and adding keys to the margins of the plot. See xyplot.
- top.padding
A number specifying the distance to the top margin, defaults to 0.1
- bottom.padding
A number specifying the distance to the bottom margin, defaults to 0.7
- right.padding
A number specifying the distance to the right margin, defaults to 0.1
- left.padding
A number specifying the distance to the left margin, defaults to 0.5
A number specifying the distance at top of key, defaults to 0.1
- key.left.padding
Amount of padding to go onto any legend on the left
- ylab.axis.padding
A number specifying the distance of ylabel to the y-axis, defaults to 1
- axis.key.padding
A number specifying the distance from the y-axis to the key, defaults to 1
- add.axes
Allow axis lines to be turned on or off, default is FALSE
- axes.lty
Specifies axis line style, defaults to “dashed”
- abline.h
Allow horizontal line to be drawn, default to NULL
- abline.v
Allow vertical line to be drawn, default to NULL
- abline.col
Horizontal line colour, defaults to black
- abline.lwd
Specifies horizontal line width, defaults to 1
- abline.lty
Specifies horizontal line style, defaults to 1 (solid)
- add.points
Allow additional points to be drawn, default is FALSE
- points.x
The x co-ordinates where additional points should be drawn
- points.y
The y co-ordinates where additional points should be drawn
- points.pch
The plotting character for additional points
- points.col
The colour of additional points
- points.col.border
Colour of the border of additional points if points.pch >= 21. Defaults to black
- points.cex
The size of additional points
- add.line.segments
Allow additional line segments to be drawn, default is FALSE
- line.start
The y co-ordinates where additional line segments should start
- line.end
The y co-ordinates where additional line segments should end
- line.col
The colour of additional line segments, default is black
- line.lwd
The line width of additional line segments, default is 1
- height
Figure height, defaults to 6 inches
- width
Figure width, defaults to 6 inches
- size.units
Figure units, defaults to inches
- resolution
Figure resolution in dpi, defaults to 1600
- enable.warnings
Print warnings if set to TRUE, defaults to FALSE
- ...
Additional arguments to be passed to BoutrosLab.plotting.general::create.scatterplot
if (FALSE) {
x = Histogram(c(0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 1, 0))
results = segment_and_fit(x, eps = 0.005)
results_table = summarize_results(results)
track_data = results_table,
row_id = "peak_id",
metric_id = "value"