Stacks together multiple plots
plot.objects = NULL,
filename = NULL,
height = 10,
width = 10,
resolution = 1000,
plot.objects.heights = rep(1, length(plot.objects)),
main = "",
main.x = 0.5,
main.y = 0.5,
x.spacing = 0,
y.spacing = 0,
xlab.label = "",
xlab.cex = 2,
ylab.label = "",
ylab.label.right = "",
ylab.cex = 2,
main.cex = 3,
legend = NULL,
left.padding = 0,
ylab.axis.padding = 0,
xlab.axis.padding = 0,
bottom.padding = 0,
top.padding = 0,
right.padding = 0,
left.legend.padding = 2,
right.legend.padding = 2,
bottom.legend.padding = 2,
top.legend.padding = 2,
size.units = "in",
enable.warnings = FALSE
- plot.objects
A list of plot objects. Goes in this order: Top Left, Top Right, Bottom Left, Bottom Right
- filename
Filename to output to
- height
Height of resulting file
- width
Width of resulting file
- resolution
Resolution of resulting file
- plot.objects.heights
Heights of each row of the plot. Must be vector of same size as layout.height
- main
main label text
- main.x
main label x coordinate
- main.y
main label y coordinate
- x.spacing
horizontal spacing between each plot. Can be single value or vector of length layout.width - 1
- y.spacing
vertical spacing between each plot. Can be single value or vector of length layout.height - 1
- xlab.label
bottom x-axis main label
- xlab.cex
bottom x-axis main label cex
- ylab.label
left side y-axis label
- ylab.label.right
right side y-axis label
- ylab.cex
y-axis label cex
- main.cex
main label cex
- legend
legend for the plot
- left.padding
padding from the left side of the frame
- ylab.axis.padding
padding between axis and y label of plots. Can be single value or vector of length layout.width
- xlab.axis.padding
padding between axis and x label of plots. Can be single value or vector of length layout.height
- bottom.padding
padding from the bottom side of the frame
- top.padding
padding from the top side of the frame
- right.padding
padding from the right side of the frame
- left.legend.padding
padding between legend and left side of figure (can use without a legend)
- right.legend.padding
padding between legend and right side of figure (can use without a legend)
- bottom.legend.padding
padding between legend and bottom side of figure (can use without a legend)
- top.legend.padding
padding between legend and top side of figure (can use without a legend)
- size.units
the units the height and width of file represent
- enable.warnings
enables warnings to be output
if (FALSE) {
x = rnorm(10000, mean = 100, sd = 50)
x = observations_to_histogram(round(x), histogram_bin_width = 5)
results = segment_and_fit(x, eps = 1)
cvg_plt = create_coverageplot(
resid_plt = create_residualplot(
plot.objects = list(cvg_plt, resid_plt)