Generates GenomicHistogram objects from the coverage of a bigWig file
Generates GenomicHistogram objects from the coverage of a bigWig file
- filename
Name of bigwig file for import
- strand
The strand of bigwig file from which the data originates. Default "*". If strand is "+" or "-", the strand will also be used to select regions of matching strand.
- score_threshold
A hard threshold for the score of the bigwig file. Scores higher than the threshold will be used in the computation of the histogram.
- regions
A GRanges or GRangesList object representing regions of interest defining histograms, a GRangesList object allows for the specification of non-continuous segments, default NULL - regions are taken as the set of elements with nonzero coverage
- gtf
A GTF file to select regions of interest. Default NULL
- histogram_bin_size
The bin size (base-pairs) to bin signal into a histogram. Default 50
- gene_or_transcript
Whether histograms should be computed on gene annotations or transcript annotations. Default gene
- select_chrs
Select elements on specific chromosomes. Default NULL
- select_ids
Select elements by matching ids to genes or transcripts (depending on gene_or_transcript). Default NULL
if (FALSE) {
filename <- system.file("extdata", "bigwigs", "", package = "HistogramZoo")
regions <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(
seqnames = "chr1",
IRanges::IRanges(start = c(17950, 19350),
end = c(18000, 19600)),
strand = "*")
histograms <- bigWig_to_histogram(
filename = filename,
regions = regions,
histogram_bin_size = 10)