Nextflow Config File Parameters

Field Required Type Description
dataset_id yes string Boutros Lab dataset id
blcds_registered_dataset yes boolean Affirms if dataset should be registered in the Boutros Lab Data registry. Default value is false.
algorithm yes list List containing a combination of SV callers delly, manta. List can contain a single caller of choice.
reference_fasta yes path Absolute path to the reference genome FASTA file. The reference genome is used by Delly for structural variant calling. GRCh37 - /hot/ref/reference/GRCh37-EBI-hs37d5/hs37d5.fa, GRCh38 - /hot/ref/reference/GRCh38-BI-20160721/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta
exclusion_file yes path Absolute path to the Delly reference genome exclusion file utilized to remove suggested regions for structural variant calling. GRCh37 - /hot/ref/tool-specific-input/Delly/GRCh37-EBI-hs37d/human.hs37d5.excl.tsv, GRCh38 - /hot/ref/tool-specific-input/Delly/hg38/human.hg38.excl.tsv
map_qual yes integer Minimum paired-end (PE) mapping quality (MAPQ) for Delly. Default set to 20.
min_clique_size yes integer Minimum number of supporting PE or split-read (SR) alignments required for a clique to be identified as a structural variant by Delly. Adjust this parameter to control the sensitivity and specificity of Delly variant calling. Default set to 5.
mad_cutoff yes integer Insert size cutoff, median+s*MAD (deletions only) for Delly. Default set to 15.
save_intermediate_files yes boolean Optional parameter to indicate whether intermediate files will be saved. Default value is false.
output_dir yes path Absolute path to the directory where the output files to be saved.
work_dir no path Path of working directory for Nextflow. When included in the sample config file, Nextflow intermediate files and logs will be saved to this directory. With ucla_cds, the default is /scratch and should only be changed for testing/development. Changing this directory to /hot or /tmp can lead to high server latency and potential disk space limitations, respectively.
verbose yes boolean If set to true, the values of input channels will be printed, can be used for debugging
docker_container_registry optional string Registry containing tool Docker images. Default:

An example of the NextFlow Input Parameters Config file can be found here.