Input YAML
Field | Type | Description |
patient_id | string | Patient ID (will be standardized according to data storage structure in the near future) |
normal_BAM | path | Set to absolute path to normal BAM |
tumor_BAM | path | Set to absolute path to tumor BAM |
patient_id: "patient_id"
- "/absolute/path/to/BAM"
- "/absolute/path/to/BAM"
- "/absolute/path/to/BAM"
- "/absolute/path/to/BAM"
For normal-only or tumor-only samples, exclude the fields for the other state.
Input Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
dataset_id |
Yes | string | Dataset ID |
blcds_registered_dataset |
Yes | boolean | Set to true when using BLCDS folder structure; use false for now |
output_dir |
Yes | string | Need to set if blcds_registered_dataset = false |
save_intermediate_files |
Yes | boolean | Set to false to disable publishing of intermediate files; true otherwise; disabling option will delete intermediate files to allow for processing of large BAMs |
cache_intermediate_pipeline_steps |
No | boolean | Set to true to enable process caching from Nextflow; defaults to false |
scatter_count |
Yes | integer | Number of intervals to divide into for parallelization |
intervals |
Yes | path | Use all .list in inputs for WGS; Set to absolute path to targeted exome interval file (with .interval_list, .list, .intervals, or .bed suffix) |
reference_fasta |
Yes | path | Absolute path to reference genome fasta file, e.g., /hot/ref/reference/GRCh38-BI-20160721/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta |
bundle_mills_and_1000g_gold_standard_indels_vcf_gz |
Yes | path | Absolute path to Mills & 1000G Gold Standard Indels file, e.g., /hot/ref/tool-specific-input/GATK/GRCh38/Mills_and_1000G_gold_standard.indels.hg38.vcf.gz |
bundle_v0_dbsnp138_vcf_gz |
Yes | path | Absolute path to dbsnp file, e.g., /hot/ref/tool-specific-input/GATK/GRCh38/resources_broad_hg38_v0_Homo_sapiens_assembly38.dbsnp138.vcf.gz |
bundle_hapmap_3p3_vcf_gz |
Yes | path | Absolute path to HapMap 3.3 file, e.g., /hot/ref/tool-specific-input/GATK/GRCh38/hapmap_3.3.hg38.vcf.gz |
bundle_omni_1000g_2p5_vcf_gz |
Yes | path | Absolute path to 1000 genomes OMNI 2.5 file, e.g., /hot/ref/tool-specific-input/GATK/GRCh38/1000G_omni2.5.hg38.vcf.gz |
bundle_phase1_1000g_snps_high_conf_vcf_gz |
Yes | path | Absolute path to 1000 genomes phase 1 high-confidence file, e.g., /hot/ref/tool-specific-input/GATK/GRCh38/1000G_phase1.snps.high_confidence.hg38.vcf.gz |
work_dir |
optional | path | Path of working directory for Nextflow. When included in the sample config file, Nextflow intermediate files and logs will be saved to this directory. With ucla_cds, the default is /scratch and should only be changed for testing/development. Changing this directory to /hot or /tmp can lead to high server latency and potential disk space limitations, respectively. |
docker_container_registry |
optional | string | Registry containing tool Docker images. Default: |
base_resource_update |
optional | namespace | Namespace of parameters to update base resource allocations in the pipeline. Usage and structure are detailed in template.config and below. |
Base resource allocation updaters
To update the base resource (cpus or memory) allocations for processes, use the following structure and add the necessary parts. The default allocations can be found in the node-specific config files
base_resource_update {
memory = [
[['process_name', 'process_name2'], <multiplier for resource>],
[['process_name3', 'process_name4'], <different multiplier for resource>]
cpus = [
[['process_name', 'process_name2'], <multiplier for resource>],
[['process_name3', 'process_name4'], <different multiplier for resource>]
Note Resource updates will be applied in the order they're provided so if a process is included twice in the memory list, it will be updated twice in the order it's given.
- To double memory of all processes:
base_resource_update {
memory = [
[[], 2]
- To double memory for
and triple memory forrun_validate_PipeVal
base_resource_update {
memory = [
['run_ApplyVQSR_GATK', 2],
[['run_validate_PipeVal', 'run_HaplotypeCallerVCF_GATK'], 3]
- To double CPUs and memory for
and double memory forrun_validate_PipeVal
base_resource_update {
cpus = [
['run_ApplyVQSR_GATK', 2]
memory = [
[['run_ApplyVQSR_GATK', 'run_validate_PipeVal'], 2]