Testing and Validation
Test Data Set
Testing was performed leveraging aligned and sorted BAMs from a targeted panel sequencing experiment generated using bwa-mem2-2.1 against reference GRCh38.
- BZPRGPT2: BZPRGPT1000001-N001-B01-F.bam
Test runs were performed with the following reference files
- reference_dict: '/hot/ref/reference/GRCh38-BI-20160721/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.dict'
- reference_dbSNP: '/hot/ref/database/dbSNP-155/thinned/GRCh38/dbSNP-155_thinned_hg38.vcf.gz'
- genome_sizes: '/hot/ref/reference/GRCh38-BI-20160721/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta.fai'
Validation \
See here for benchmarking.
Input/Output | Description | Result |
metric 1 | 1 - 2 sentence description of the metric | quantifiable result |
metric 2 | 1 - 2 sentence description of the metric | quantifiable result |
metric n | 1 - 2 sentence description of the metric | quantifiable result |
- Reference/External Link/Path 1 to any files/plots or other validation results
- Reference/External Link/Path 2 to any files/plots or other validation results
- Reference/External Link/Path n to any files/plots or other validation results
Validation Tool
Included is a template for validating your input files. For more information on the tool check out: https://github.com/uclahs-cds/tool-validate-nf