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Takes a data.frame and creates a barplot


  groups = NULL,
  stack = FALSE,
  filename = NULL,
  main = NULL,
  main.just = 'center',
  main.x = 0.5,
  main.y = 0.5,
  main.cex = 3,
  xlab.label = tail(sub('~', '', formula[-2]), 1),
  ylab.label = tail(sub('~', '', formula[-3]), 1),
  xlab.cex = 2,
  ylab.cex = 2,
  xlab.col = 'black',
  ylab.col = 'black', = NULL, = 2, = 'black', = 'center', = 0.5, = 0,
  abline.h = NULL,
  abline.v = NULL,
  abline.lty = 1,
  abline.lwd = NULL,
  abline.col = 'black',
  axes.lwd = 1,
  add.grid = FALSE, = xat, = yat,
  grid.lwd = 5,
  grid.col = NULL,
  xaxis.lab = TRUE,
  yaxis.lab = TRUE,
  xaxis.col = 'black',
  yaxis.col = 'black',
  xaxis.fontface = 'bold',
  yaxis.fontface = 'bold',
  xaxis.cex = 1.5,
  yaxis.cex = 1.5,
  xaxis.rot = 0,
  yaxis.rot = 0,
  xaxis.tck = 1,
  yaxis.tck = 1,
  xlimits = NULL,
  ylimits = NULL,
  xat = TRUE,
  yat = TRUE,
  layout = NULL,
  as.table = FALSE,
  x.spacing = 0,
  y.spacing = 0,
  x.relation = 'same',
  y.relation = 'same',
  top.padding = 0.5,
  bottom.padding = 1,
  right.padding = 1,
  left.padding = 1,
  key.bottom = 0.1,
  ylab.axis.padding = 0.5,
  xlab.axis.padding = 0.5,
  col = 'black',
  border.col = 'black',
  border.lwd = 1,
  plot.horizontal = FALSE,
  background.col = 'transparent',
  origin = 0,
  reference = TRUE,
  box.ratio = 2,
  sample.order = 'none',
  group.labels = FALSE,
  key = list(text = list(lab = c(''))),
  legend = NULL,
  add.text = FALSE,
  text.labels = NULL,
  text.x = NULL,
  text.y = NULL,
  text.col = 'black',
  text.cex = 1,
  text.fontface = 'bold',
  strip.col = 'white',
  strip.cex = 1,
  y.error.up = NULL,
  y.error.down = y.error.up, = 'black',
  error.whisker.width = width/(nrow(data)*4), = 1,
  error.whisker.angle = 90,
  add.rectangle = FALSE,
  xleft.rectangle = NULL,
  ybottom.rectangle = NULL,
  xright.rectangle = NULL,
  ytop.rectangle = NULL,
  col.rectangle = 'grey85',
  alpha.rectangle = 1,
  line.func = NULL,
  line.from = 0, = 0,
  line.col = 'transparent',
  line.infront = TRUE,
  text.above.bars = list(labels = NULL,
    padding = NULL,
    bar.locations = NULL,
    rotation = 0
  raster = NULL,
  raster.vert = TRUE,
  raster.just = 'center',
  raster.width.dim = unit(2/37, 'npc'),
  height = 6,
  width = 6,
  size.units = 'in',
  resolution = 1600,
  enable.warnings = FALSE,
  description = 'Created with BoutrosLab.plotting.general',
  style = 'BoutrosLab',
  preload.default = 'custom',
  use.legacy.settings = FALSE, = FALSE,
  disable.factor.sorting = FALSE



The formula used to extract the x & y components from the data-frame. Transforming data within formula is not compatible with automatic scaling with `xat` or `yat`


The data-frame to plot


Optional grouping variable. Expression or variable.


Logical, relevant when groups is non-null. If FALSE (the default), bars for different values of the grouping variable are drawn side by side, otherwise they are stacked


Filename for tiff output, or if NULL returns the trellis object itself


The main title for the plot (space is reclaimed if NULL)


The justification of the main title for the plot, default is centered


The x location of the main title, deault is 0.5


The y location of the main title, default is 0.5


Size of text for main plot title, defaults to 3


The label for the x-axis


The label for the y-axis


Size of x-axis label, defaults to 2


Size of y-axis label, defaults to 2


Colour of the x-axis label, defaults to black


Colour of the y-axis label, defaults to black

The label for the top x-axis

Size of top x-axis label

Colour of the top x-axis label

Justification of the top x-axis label, defaults to centered

The x location of the top x-axis label

The y location of the top y-axis label


Specify the superimposed horizontal line(s)


Specify the superimposed vertical line(s)


Specify the superimposed line type


Specify the superimposed line width


Specify the superimposed line colour (defaults to black)


Specify line width of the axes; set to 0 to turn off axes


Specify whether to draw grid or not (defaults to FALSE)

Specify where to draw x-axis grid lines (defaults to xat)

Specify where to draw y-axis grid lines (defaults to yat)


Specify width of grid line (defaults to 5)


Specify colour of grid line. Currently only supports one colour. Defaults to NULL, which uses the colour of the reference line.


Vector listing x-axis tick labels, defaults to automatic (TRUE). Using automatic scaling with xat will overwrite user input. Set to NULL to remove x-axis labels.


Vector listing y-axis tick labels, defaults to automatic (TRUE). Using automatic scaling with yat will overwrite user input. Set to NULL to remove y-axis labels.


Colour of the x-axis tick labels, defaults to black


Colour of the y-axis tick labels, defaults to black


Fontface for the x-axis scales


Fontface for the y-axis scales


Size of x-axis tick labels, defaults to 1.2


Size of y-axis tick labels, defaults to 1.5


Rotation of x-axis tick labels; defaults to 0


Rotation of y-axis tick labels; defaults to 0


Specifies the length of the tick marks for x-axis, defaults to 1


Specifies the length of the tick marks for y-axis, defaults to 1


Two-element vector giving the x-axis limits. Useful when plot.horizontal = TRUE


Two-element vector giving the y-axis limits


Accepts a vector listing where x-axis ticks should be drawn or if automatic scaling is desired, one of three strings: “auto”, “auto.linear” or “auto.log”. Automatic scaling fixes x-axis tick locations, labels, and data values dependent given data. “auto” will determine whether linear or logarithmic scaling fits the given data best, “auto.linear” or “auto.log” will force data to be scaled linearly or logarithmically respectively. Defaults to lattice automatic (TRUE). For more details see `auto.axis()`. Useful when plot.horizontal = TRUE


Accepts a vector listing where y-axis ticks should be drawn or if automatic scaling is desired, one of three strings: “auto”, “auto.linear” or “auto.log”. Automatic scaling fixes y-axis tick locations, labels, and data values dependent given data. “auto” will determine whether linear or logarithmic scaling fits the given data best, “auto.linear” or “auto.log” will force data to be scaled linearly or logarithmically respectively. Defaults to lattice automatic (TRUE). For more details see `auto.axis()`.


A vector specifying the number of columns, rows (e.g., c(2,1). Default is NULL; see lattice::xyplot for more details



Specifies panel drawing order, default is FALSE which draws panels from bottom left corner, moving right then up. Set to TRUE to draw from top left corner, moving right then down


A number specifying the distance between panels along the x-axis, defaults to 0


A number specifying the distance between panels along the y-axis, defaults to 0


Allows x-axis scales to vary if set to “free”, defaults to “same”


Allows y-axis scales to vary if set to “free”, defaults to “same”


A number specifying the distance to the top margin, defaults to 0.5


A number specifying the distance to the bottom margin, defaults to 2


A number specifying the distance to the right margin, defaults to 1


A number specifying the distance to the left margin, defaults to 1


A number specifying how much space should be left for the key at the bottom, defaults to 0.1


A number specifying the distance of y-axis label to the y-axis, defaults to 0



A number specifying the distance of x-axis label to the x-axis, defaults to 0.5. Named differently than ylab.axis.padding because these are lattice's internal names for these values


Filling colour of bars, defaults to black, does a grey-scale spectrum if !is.null(groups)


Specify border colour (defaults to black)


Specify border width (defaults to 1)


Plot the bars horizontally


Plot background colour, defaults to transparent


The origin of the plot, generally 0


Should the reference line be printed at the origin


Specifies the width of each bar, defaults to 2


Should the bars be reordered, accepts values “increasing”, “decreasing” or a vector of sample names. Labels will also be reordered


Should the labels be grouped to the same amount of bars per column


A list giving the key (legend). The default suppresses drawing


Add a legend to the plot. Helpful for adding multiple keys and adding keys to the margins of the plot. See xyplot.


Allow additional text to be drawn, default is FALSE


Labels for additional text


The x co-ordinates where additional text should be placed


The y co-ordinates where additional text should be placed


The colour of additional text


The size of additional text


The fontface for additional text


Strip background colour, defaults to white


Strip title character expansion


A vector specifying the length of the error bar going up from each point. If set to NULL (the default), error bars will not be drawn


A vector specifying the length of the error bar going down from each point. By default, it is set to y.error.up

A string or vector of strings specifying the colour of the error bars. Defaults to black


A number specifying the width of the error bars. Defaults to a rough approximation based on the size of the data

The line width of the error bars. Defaults to 1


The angle of the error bar whiskers, defaults to 90. Can be changed to produce arrow-like bars


Allow a rectangle to be drawn, default is FALSE


Specifies the left x coordinate of the rectangle to be drawn


Specifies the bottom y coordinate of the rectangle to be drawn


Specifies the right x coordinate of the rectangle to be drawn


Specifies the top y coordinate of the rectangle to be drawn


Specifies the colour to fill the rectangle's area


Specifies the colour bias of the rectangle


Function for the line that should be drawn on top of plot


The starting point of the line on the plot

The ending point of the line on the plot


Colour of the line on the plot


Should the line appear in front of the plot or not


Should some form of text appear above the bars; input as a list. bar.locations is the x-axis when vertical and y-axis when horizontal. See lattice::ltext arguments for all possible values that can be passed in. (col, alpha, cex, etc, can all be passed in as a single value or vector of same length as text.above.bars$labels)


The image to raster over each bar - see Raster Images in R Graphics by Paul Murrell for full details


A logical indicating whether the raster is applied vertically or horizontally


A word giving the justification of the raster, can be set to “left”, “right”, “centre”, “center”, “bottom”, or “top”


A unit object giving the width of the raster bar


Figure height, defaults to 6 in


Figure width, defaults to 6 in


Figure units, defaults to inches


Figure resolution, defaults to 1600


Print warnings if set to TRUE, defaults to FALSE


Description of image/plot; default NULL


defaults to “BoutrosLab”, also accepts “Nature”, which changes parameters according to Nature formatting requirements


ability to set multiple sets of diffrent defaults depending on publication needs


boolean to set wheter or not to use legacy mode settings (font)

boolean specifying whether or not to use the automatic inside legend function


Disable barplot auto sorting factors alphabetically/numerically


If filename is NULL then returns the trellis object, otherwise creates a plot and returns a 0/1 success code.


Mehrdad Shamsi


If this function is called without capturing the return value, or specifying a filename, it may crash while trying to draw the histogram. In particular, if a script that uses such a call of create histogram is called by reading the script in from the command line, it will fail badly, with an error message about unavailable fonts:

    Error in"L_text", as.graphicsAnnot(x$label), x$x,  )
        Invalid font type
    Calls: print ... drawDetails.text -> ->

See also

barchart, lattice or the Lattice book for an overview of the package.


set.seed(12345); <- data.frame(
    x = sample(1:15, 5),
    y = LETTERS[1:5]

# Simple example
    # filename = tempfile(pattern = 'Barplot_Simple', fileext = '.tiff'),
    formula = x ~ y,
    data =,
    yat = seq(0,16,2),
    resolution = 30

# set up the data
total.counts <- apply(SNV[1:15], 2, function(x){ mutation.count <- (30 - sum(});
count.nonsyn <- function(x){
    mutation.count <- length(which(x == 1));
nonsynonymous.SNV <- apply(SNV[1:15], 2, count.nonsyn);
other.mutations <- total.counts - nonsynonymous.SNV;

# subset the first fifteen samples <- data.frame(
    samples = rep(1:15, 2),
    mutation = c(rep('nonsynonymous', 15), rep('other',15)),
    type = c(rep(1, 15), rep(2,15)),
    values = c(nonsynonymous.SNV, other.mutations),
    sex = rep(patient$sex[1:15], 2),
    stage = rep(patient$stage[1:15], 2),
    msi = rep(patient$msi[1:15], 2)

# Minimal input
    # filename = tempfile(pattern = 'Barplot_Minimal_Input', fileext = '.tiff'),
    formula = values ~ samples ,
    data =[$mutation == 'nonsynonymous',],
    main = 'Minimal input',
    # Editing the metadata
    description = 'Barplot created by BoutrosLab.plotting.general',
    resolution = 100

# Axes labels & limits
    # filename = tempfile(pattern = 'Barplot_Custom_Axes', fileext = '.tiff'),
    formula = values ~ samples,
    data =[$mutation == 'nonsynonymous',],
    main = 'Axes labels & limits',
    # Setting axes labels
    xlab.lab = 'Sample',
    ylab.lab = 'Nonsynonymous SNVs',
    # Setting y-axis limits and tick-mark locations
    ylimits = c(0,30),
    yat = seq(0,30,5),
    description = 'Barplot created by BoutrosLab.plotting.general',
    resolution = 100

# Font size and font face
    # filename = tempfile(pattern = 'Barplot_Font_Changes', fileext = '.tiff'),
    formula = values ~ samples,
    data =[$mutation == 'nonsynonymous',],
    main = 'Font changes',
    xlab.lab = 'Samples',
    ylab.lab = 'Nonsynonymous SNVs',
    ylimits = c(0,30),
    yat = seq(0,30,5),
    # Changing font sizes
    xaxis.cex = 1,
    yaxis.cex = 1,
    xlab.cex = 1.5,
    ylab.cex = 1.5,
    # Changing font type
    xaxis.fontface = 1,
    yaxis.fontface = 1,
    description = 'Barplot created by BoutrosLab.plotting.general',
    resolution = 100

# \donttest{
# Sorting data
    # filename = tempfile(pattern = 'Barplot_Sorted', fileext = '.tiff'),
    formula = values ~ samples,
    data =[$mutation == 'nonsynonymous',],
    main = 'Sorted bars',
    xlab.lab = 'Samples',
    ylab.lab = 'Nonsynonymous SNVs',
    ylimits = c(0,30),
    yat = seq(0,30,5),
    xaxis.cex = 1,
    yaxis.cex = 1,
    xlab.cex = 1.5,
    ylab.cex = 1.5,
    xaxis.fontface = 1,
    yaxis.fontface = 1,
    # Order bars either by 'increasing' or 'decreasing'
    sample.order = 'decreasing',
    description = 'Barplot created by BoutrosLab.plotting.general',
    resolution = 100

# Sorting data with horizontal barplot
    formula = samples ~ values,
    data =[$mutation == 'nonsynonymous',],
    main = 'Sorted bars',
    xlab.lab = 'Samples',
    ylab.lab = 'Nonsynonymous SNVs',
    xlimits = c(0,30),
    xat = seq(0,30,5),
    xaxis.cex = 1,
    yaxis.cex = 1,
    xlab.cex = 1.5,
    ylab.cex = 1.5,
    xaxis.fontface = 1,
    yaxis.fontface = 1,
    # Order bars either by 'increasing' or 'decreasing'
    sample.order = 'decreasing',
    plot.horizontal = TRUE,
    resolution = 100

# Log-Scaled Axis <- data.frame(
    x = 10 ** sample(1:15, 5),
    y = LETTERS[1:5]

    formula = x ~ y,
    data =,
    # Log base 10 scale y-axis
    yat = 'auto.log',
    main = 'Log Scaled',
    description = 'Barplot created by BoutrosLab.plotting.general',
    resolution = 100

# Colour changes
sex.colours <- replace(as.vector($sex), which($sex == 'male'),'dodgerblue');
sex.colours <- replace(sex.colours, which($sex == 'female'), 'pink');

    # filename = tempfile(pattern = 'Barplot_Colour_Changes', fileext = '.tiff'),
    formula = values ~ samples,
    data =[$mutation == 'nonsynonymous',],
    main = 'Colour changes',
    xlab.lab = 'Samples',
    ylab.lab = 'Nonsynonymous SNVs',
    ylimits = c(0,30),
    yat = seq(0,30,5),
    xaxis.cex = 1,
    yaxis.cex = 1,
    xlab.cex = 1.5,
    ylab.cex = 1.5,
    xaxis.fontface = 1,
    yaxis.fontface = 1,
    # Colour bars based on sex
    col = sex.colours,
    description = 'Barplot created by BoutrosLab.plotting.general',
    resolution = 100

# Legend
    # filename = tempfile(pattern = 'Barplot_Legend', fileext = '.tiff'),
    formula = values ~ samples,
    data =[$mutation == 'nonsynonymous',],
    main = 'Legend',
    xlab.lab = 'Samples',
    ylab.lab = 'Nonsynonymous SNVs',
    ylimits = c(0,30),
    yat = seq(0,30,5),
    xaxis.cex = 1,
    yaxis.cex = 1,
    xlab.cex = 1.5,
    ylab.cex = 1.5,
    xaxis.fontface = 1,
    yaxis.fontface = 1,
    col = sex.colours,
    # Adding legend to explain bar colour-coding
    legend = list(
        inside = list(
            fun = draw.key,
            args = list(
                key = list(
                    points = list(
                        col = 'black',
                        pch = 22,
                        cex = 3,
                        fill = c('dodgerblue', 'pink')
                    text = list(
                        lab = c('Male','Female')
                    padding.text = 5,
                    cex = 1
                # Positioning legend on plot
                x = 0.75,
                y = 0.95
    description = 'Barplot created by BoutrosLab.plotting.general',
    resolution = 100

# Grouped barplot
    # filename = tempfile(pattern = 'Barplot_Grouped', fileext = '.tiff'),
    formula = values ~ samples,
    data =,
    main = 'Grouped bar chart',
    xlab.lab = 'Samples',
    ylab.lab = 'Mutations',
    ylimits = c(0,30),
    yat = seq(0,30,5),
    xaxis.cex = 1,
    yaxis.cex = 1,
    xlab.cex = 1.5,
    ylab.cex = 1.5,
    xaxis.fontface = 1,
    yaxis.fontface = 1,
    # Setting groups
    groups = mutation,
    col = default.colours(12, is.greyscale = FALSE)[11:12],
    legend = list(
        inside = list(
            fun = draw.key,
            args = list(
                key = list(
                    points = list(
                        col = 'black',
                        pch = 22,
                        cex = 2,
                        fill = default.colours(12, is.greyscale = FALSE)[11:12]
                    text = list(
                        lab = c('Nonsynonymous SNV','Other SNV')
                    padding.text = 3,
                    cex = 1
            x = 0.55,
            y = 0.95
    description = 'Barplot created by BoutrosLab.plotting.general',
    resolution = 100

# Grouped labels
    # filename = tempfile(pattern = 'Barplot_Grouped_Labels', fileext = '.tiff'),
    formula = values ~ samples,
    data =,
    main = 'Grouped labels',
    xlab.lab = 'Samples',
    ylab.lab = 'Mutations',
    ylimits = c(0,30),
    yat = seq(0,30,5),
    xaxis.cex = 1,
    yaxis.cex = 1,
    xlab.cex = 1.5,
    ylab.cex = 1.5,
    xaxis.fontface = 1,
    yaxis.fontface = 1,
    # Setting groups
    groups = mutation,
    col = default.colours(12, is.greyscale = FALSE)[11:12],
    # Grouped labels
    xaxis.lab = rep(c('nonsynonymous', 'other'), 15),
    xaxis.rot = 90,
    group.labels = TRUE,
    description = 'Barplot created by BoutrosLab.plotting.general',
    resolution = 200

# Stacked barplot
    # filename = tempfile(pattern = 'Barplot_Stacked', fileext = '.tiff'),
    formula = values ~ samples,
    data =,
    main = 'Stacked bar chart',
    xlab.lab = 'Samples',
    ylab.lab = 'Mutations',
    ylimits = c(0,30),
    yat = seq(0,30,5),
    xaxis.cex = 1,
    yaxis.cex = 1,
    xlab.cex = 1.5,
    ylab.cex = 1.5,
    xaxis.fontface = 1,
    yaxis.fontface = 1,
    groups = mutation,
    col = default.colours(12, is.greyscale = FALSE)[11:12],
    legend = list(
        inside = list(
            fun = draw.key,
            args = list(
                key = list(
                    points = list(
                        col = 'black',
                        pch = 22,
                        cex = 2,
                        # reverse order to match stacked bar order
                        fill = rev(default.colours(12, is.greyscale = FALSE)[11:12])
                    text = list(
                        # reverse order to match stacked bar order
                        lab = rev(c('Nonsynonymous SNV','Other SNV'))
                    padding.text = 3,
                    cex = 1
            x = 0.55,
            y = 0.95
    # Changing the plot from a grouped plot to a stacked plot
    stack = TRUE,
    description = 'Barplot created by BoutrosLab.plotting.general',
    resolution = 200

# Panel organization
    # filename = tempfile(pattern = 'Barplot_Panel_Layout_numeric_conditioning', fileext = '.tiff'),
    # Setting the panel layout
    formula = values ~ samples | type,
    data =,
    main = 'Panel layout',
    xlab.lab = 'Samples',
    ylab.lab = 'Mutations',
    ylimits = c(0,30),
    yat = seq(0,30,5),
    xaxis.cex = 1,
    yaxis.cex = 1,
    xlab.cex = 1.5,
    ylab.cex = 1.5,
    xaxis.fontface = 1,
    yaxis.fontface = 1,
    description = 'Barplot created by BoutrosLab.plotting.general',
    resolution = 200
#> Warning: Numeric values detected for conditional variable. If text labels are desired, please convert conditional variable to character.

    # Setting the panel layout
    formula = values ~ samples | mutation,
    data =,
    main = 'Panel layout',
    xlab.lab = 'Samples',
    ylab.lab = 'Mutations',
    ylimits = c(0,30),
    yat = seq(0,30,5),
    xaxis.cex = 1,
    yaxis.cex = 1,
    xlab.cex = 1.5,
    ylab.cex = 1.5,
    xaxis.fontface = 1,
    yaxis.fontface = 1,
    description = 'Barplot created by BoutrosLab.plotting.general',
    resolution = 200

# Panel organization 2
    # filename = tempfile(pattern = 'Barplot_Panel_Layout_2', fileext = '.tiff'),
    formula = values ~ samples | mutation,
    data =,
    main = 'Panel layout',
    xlab.lab = 'Samples',
    ylab.lab = 'Mutations',
    ylimits = c(0,30),
    yat = seq(0,30,5),
    xaxis.cex = 1,
    yaxis.cex = 1,
    xlab.cex = 1.5,
    ylab.cex = 1.5,
    xaxis.fontface = 1,
    yaxis.fontface = 1,
    # Adjusting the panel layout
    layout = c(1,2),
    y.spacing = 1,
    description = 'Barplot created by BoutrosLab.plotting.general',
    resolution = 200

# Covariates
# Note: Covariates can also be created using the create.multiplot function

# set covariate colour schemes <- as.character($sex);[ == 'male'] <- 'dodgerblue';[ == 'female'] <- 'pink';

covariate.colours.stage <- as.character($stage);
covariate.colours.stage[covariate.colours.stage == 'I'] <- 'plum1';
covariate.colours.stage[covariate.colours.stage == 'II'] <- 'orchid1';
covariate.colours.stage[covariate.colours.stage == 'III'] <- 'orchid3';
covariate.colours.stage[covariate.colours.stage == 'IV'] <- 'orchid4';

covariate.colours.msi <- as.character($msi);
covariate.colours.msi[covariate.colours.msi == 'MSS'] <- 'chartreuse4';
covariate.colours.msi[covariate.colours.msi == 'MSI-High'] <- 'chartreuse2';

# create object to draw covariates
covariates.object <- list(
    rect = list(
        col = 'white',
        fill =,
        lwd = 1.5
    rect = list(
        col = 'white',
        fill = covariate.colours.stage,
        lwd = 1.5
    rect = list(
        col = 'white',
        fill = covariate.colours.msi,
        lwd = 1.5

# see BoutrosLab.plotting.general::covariates.grob() for more information
covariate.object.grob <- covariates.grob(
    covariates = covariates.object,
    ord = c(1:15),
    side = 'top',
    size = 0.8

# Create legend to explain covariates
covariates.legends <- list(
    legend = list(
        colours = c('dodgerblue','pink'),
        labels = c('male','female'),
        title = 'Sex',
        border = 'white'
    legend = list(
        colours = c('plum1', 'orchid1', 'orchid3', 'orchid4'),
        labels = c('I','II','III','IV'),
        title = 'Stage',
        border = 'white'
    legend = list(
        colours = c('chartreuse4','chartreuse2'),
        labels = c('MSS','MSI-High'),
        title = 'MSI',
        border = 'white'

# see BoutrosLab.plotting.general::legend.grob() for more information
covariate.legend.grob <- legend.grob(
    legends = covariates.legends,
    title.just = 'left'

    # filename = tempfile(pattern = 'Barplot_Covariates', fileext = '.tiff'),
    formula = values ~ samples,
    data =[$mutation == 'nonsynonymous',],
    main = 'Covariates',
    ylab.lab = 'Mutations',
    ylimits = c(0,30),
    yat = seq(0,30,5),
    yaxis.cex = 1,
    xlab.cex = 1.5,
    ylab.cex = 1.5,
    yaxis.fontface = 1,
    # removing x-axis formatting to give space to covariates
    xaxis.tck = 0,
    xaxis.lab = rep('',15),
    xaxis.cex = 0,
    # covariates
    legend = list(
        bottom = list(fun = covariate.object.grob),
        right = list(fun = covariate.legend.grob)
    key = list(
        x = 1,
        y = -0.028,
        text = list(
            lab = c('Sex','Stage','MSI')
        padding.text = 1
    bottom.padding = 4,
    description = 'Barplot created by BoutrosLab.plotting.general',
    resolution = 200
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
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#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)

    # filename = tempfile(pattern = 'Barplot_Auto_legend', fileext = '.tiff'),
    formula = values ~ samples,
    data =[$mutation == 'nonsynonymous',],
    main = 'Covariates',
    ylab.lab = 'Mutations',
    ylimits = c(0,30),
    yat = seq(0,30,5),
    yaxis.cex = 1,
    xlab.cex = 1.5,
    ylab.cex = 1.5,
    yaxis.fontface = 1,
    # removing x-axis formatting to give space to covariates
    xaxis.tck = 0,
    xaxis.lab = rep('',15),
    xaxis.cex = 0,
    # covariates
    legend = list(
        inside = list(fun = covariate.legend.grob)
    bottom.padding = 4, = TRUE,
    description = 'Barplot created by BoutrosLab.plotting.general',
    resolution = 200
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
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#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
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#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)
#> Warning: Unable to calculate text width/height (using zero)

# Horizontal orientation
    # filename = tempfile(pattern = 'Barplot_Horizontal', fileext = '.tiff'),
    # switch formula order
    formula = samples ~ values,
    data =[$mutation == 'nonsynonymous',],
    main = 'Plot horizontally',
    # Adjusting the panel layout
    plot.horizontal = TRUE,
    # covariates
    legend = list(
        inside = list(fun = covariate.legend.grob)
        ), = TRUE,
    description = 'Barplot created by BoutrosLab.plotting.general',
    resolution = 200

# Change bar thickness and add text labels
    # filename = tempfile(pattern = 'Barplot_Text_Labels', fileext = '.tiff'),
    # switch formula order
    formula = samples ~ values,
    data =[$mutation == 'nonsynonymous',],
    main = 'Text labels and thin bars',
    # Adjusting the panel layout
    plot.horizontal = TRUE,
    box.ratio = 0.6,
    add.text = TRUE,
    text.x = 27.75,
    text.y = 1:15,
    text.labels =[$mutation == 'nonsynonymous','values'],
    text.cex = 0.8,
    text.fontface = 'italic',
    description = 'Barplot created by BoutrosLab.plotting.general',
    resolution = 200

# Error bars <- data.frame(
    genes = rownames(microarray)[1:15],
    values = apply(microarray[1:15,1:58], 1, mean),
    error = apply(microarray[1:15,1:58], 1, sd)

    # filename = tempfile(pattern = 'Barplot_Error_Bars', fileext = '.tiff'),
    # needs sequential x-axis
    formula = values ~ 1:15,
    data =,
    y.error.up =$error,
    xaxis.lab =$genes,
    main = 'Error bars',
    xlab.lab = 'Gene',
    ylab.lab = 'Change in Expression',
    ylimits = c(0,14),
    yat = seq(0,14,2),
    xaxis.cex = 1,
    yaxis.cex = 1,
    xaxis.rot = 45,
    xlab.cex = 1.5,
    ylab.cex = 1.5,
    xaxis.fontface = 1,
    yaxis.fontface = 1,
    description = 'Barplot created by BoutrosLab.plotting.general',
    resolution = 100

    # filename = tempfile(pattern = 'Barplot_Error_Bars_Horizontal', fileext = '.tiff'),
    # needs sequential x-axis
    formula = values ~ 1:15,
    data =,
    y.error.up =$error,
    yaxis.lab =$genes,
    plot.horizontal = TRUE,
    main = 'Error bars',
    xlab.lab = 'Gene',
    ylab.lab = 'Change in Expression',
    xaxis.cex = 1,
    yaxis.cex = 1,
    xaxis.rot = 45,
    xlab.cex = 1.5,
    ylab.cex = 1.5,
    xaxis.fontface = 1,
    yaxis.fontface = 1,
    description = 'Barplot created by BoutrosLab.plotting.general',
    resolution = 100

# Grid lines
    # filename = tempfile(pattern = 'Barplot_Gridlines', fileext = '.tiff'),
    formula = values ~ samples,
    data =[$mutation == 'nonsynonymous',],
    main = 'Gridlines',
    xlab.lab = 'Samples',
    ylab.lab = 'Nonsynonymous SNVs',
    ylimits = c(0,30),
    yat = seq(0,30,5),
    xaxis.cex = 1,
    yaxis.cex = 1,
    xlab.cex = 1.5,
    ylab.cex = 1.5,
    xaxis.fontface = 1,
    yaxis.fontface = 1,
    # Grid lines
    add.grid = TRUE, = seq(0,15,2),
  col = sex.colours,
    legend = list(
        inside = list(
            fun = draw.key,
            args = list(
                key = list(
                    points = list(
                        col = 'black',
                        pch = 22,
                        cex = 3,
                        fill = c('dodgerblue', 'pink')
                    text = list(
                        lab = c('Male','Female')
                    padding.text = 5,
                    cex = 1
                # Positioning legend on plot
                x = 0.75,
                y = 0.95
    description = 'Barplot created by BoutrosLab.plotting.general',
    resolution = 200

# Grid lines 2
    # filename = tempfile(pattern = 'Barplot_Gridlines_GreyBG', fileext = '.tiff'),
    formula = values ~ samples,
    data =[$mutation == 'nonsynonymous',],
    main = 'Gridlines & grey background',
    xlab.lab = 'Samples',
    ylab.lab = 'Nonsynonymous SNVs',
    ylimits = c(0,30),
    yat = seq(0,30,5),
    xaxis.cex = 1,
    yaxis.cex = 1,
    xlab.cex = 1.5,
    ylab.cex = 1.5,
    xaxis.fontface = 1,
    yaxis.fontface = 1,
    # Grid lines
    background.col = 'grey85',
    add.grid = TRUE, = seq(0,15,2),
    col = sex.colours,
    legend = list(
        inside = list(
            fun = draw.key,
            args = list(
                key = list(
                    points = list(
                        col = 'black',
                        pch = 22,
                        cex = 3,
                        fill = c('dodgerblue', 'pink')
                    text = list(
                        lab = c('Male','Female')
                    padding.text = 5,
                    cex = 1
                # Positioning legend on plot
                x = 0.75,
                y = 0.95
    description = 'Barplot created by BoutrosLab.plotting.general',
    resolution = 200

# Labels
    # filename = tempfile(pattern = 'Barplot_Labels', fileext = '.tiff'),
    formula = values ~ samples,
    data =[$mutation == 'nonsynonymous',],
    main = 'Labels',
    xlab.lab = 'Samples',
    ylab.lab = 'Nonsynonymous SNVs',
    ylimits = c(0,30),
    yat = seq(0,30,5),
    xaxis.cex = 1,
    yaxis.cex = 1,
    xlab.cex = 1.5,
    ylab.cex = 1.5,
    xaxis.fontface = 1,
    yaxis.fontface = 1,
    # Labels
    text.above.bars = list(
        labels = c('*','27','15','*'),
        padding = 0.75,
        bar.locations = c(1, 3, 12, 14),
        rotation = 0
    col = sex.colours,
    legend = list(
        inside = list(
            fun = draw.key,
            args = list(
                key = list(
                    points = list(
                        col = 'black',
                        pch = 22,
                        cex = 3,
                        fill = c('dodgerblue', 'pink')
                    text = list(
                        lab = c('Male','Female')
                    padding.text = 5,
                    cex = 1
                # Positioning legend on plot
                x = 0.75,
                y = 0.95
    description = 'Barplot created by BoutrosLab.plotting.general',
    resolution = 200

# lines
    # filename = tempfile(pattern = 'Barplot_Lines', fileext = '.tiff'),
    formula = values ~ samples,
    data =[$mutation == 'nonsynonymous',],
    main = 'Lines',
    xlab.lab = 'Samples',
    ylab.lab = 'Nonsynonymous SNVs',
    ylimits = c(0,30),
    yat = seq(0,30,5),
    xaxis.cex = 1,
    yaxis.cex = 1,
    xlab.cex = 1.5,
    ylab.cex = 1.5,
    xaxis.fontface = 1,
    yaxis.fontface = 1,
    # Lines
    sample.order = 'increasing',
    line.func = function(x) {0.1*x**2},
    line.from = 0, = 16,
    line.col = 'darkgrey',
    abline.h = 10,
    abline.col = 'red',
    col = sex.colours,
    legend = list(
        inside = list(
            fun = draw.key,
            args = list(
                key = list(
                    points = list(
                        col = 'black',
                        pch = 22,
                        cex = 3,
                        fill = c('dodgerblue', 'pink')
                    text = list(
                        lab = c('Male','Female')
                    padding.text = 5,
                    cex = 1
                # Positioning legend on plot
                x = 0.75,
                y = 0.95
    description = 'Barplot created by BoutrosLab.plotting.general',
    resolution = 200

# Background rectangle
    # filename = tempfile(pattern = 'Barplot_Bg_Rectangle', fileext = '.tiff'),
    formula = values ~ samples,
    data =[$mutation == 'nonsynonymous',],
    main = 'Background rectangle',
    xlab.lab = 'Samples',
    ylab.lab = 'Nonsynonymous SNVs',
    ylimits = c(0,30),
    yat = seq(0,30,5),
    xaxis.cex = 1,
    yaxis.cex = 1,
    xlab.cex = 1.5,
    ylab.cex = 1.5,
    xaxis.fontface = 1,
    yaxis.fontface = 1,
    sample.order = 'increasing',
    # Background rectangle
    add.rectangle = TRUE,
    xleft.rectangle = seq(0.5, 14.5, 2),
    ybottom.rectangle = 0,
    xright.rectangle = seq(1.5, 15.5, 2),
    ytop.rectangle = 30,
    col.rectangle = 'lightgrey',
    col = sex.colours,
    legend = list(
        inside = list(
            fun = draw.key,
            args = list(
                key = list(
                    points = list(
                        col = 'black',
                        pch = 22,
                        cex = 3,
                        fill = c('dodgerblue', 'pink')
                    text = list(
                        lab = c('Male','Female')
                    padding.text = 5,
                    cex = 1
                # Positioning legend on plot
                x = 0.75,
                y = 0.95
    description = 'Barplot created by BoutrosLab.plotting.general',
    resolution = 200

# Raster
    # filename = tempfile(pattern = 'Barplot_with_raster', fileext = '.tiff'),
    formula = values ~ samples,
    data =[$mutation == 'nonsynonymous',],
    main = 'Raster fill',
    xlab.lab = 'Samples',
    ylab.lab = 'Nonsynonymous SNVs',
    ylimits = c(0,30),
    yat = seq(0,30,5),
    xaxis.cex = 1,
    yaxis.cex = 1,
    xlab.cex = 1.5,
    ylab.cex = 1.5,
    xaxis.fontface = 1,
    yaxis.fontface = 1,
    # filling bars with raster
    raster = 1:10/10,
    raster.just = 'bottom',
    description = 'Description of image here',
    resolution = 200

# Nature format
    # filename = tempfile(pattern = 'Barplot_Nature_style', fileext = '.tiff'),
    formula = x ~ y,
    data =,
    yat = seq(0,16,2),
    main = 'Nature style',

    # set style to Nature
    style = 'Nature',

    # demonstrating how to italicize character variables
    ylab.lab = expression(paste('italicized ', italic('a'))),

    # demonstrating how to create en-dashes
    xlab.lab = expression(paste('en dashs: 1','\u2013', '10'^'\u2013', ''^3)),

    resolution = 200
#> Warning: Setting resolution to 1200 dpi.
#> Warning: Nature also requires italicized single-letter variables and
#> 			en-dashes for ranges and negatives. See example in documentation for how to do this.
#> Warning: Avoid red-green colour schemes, create TIFF files, do not outline the figure or legend.

# Left Justified Example
    # filename = tempfile(pattern = 'Barplot_TwoTopLabelsLeftJustified', fileext = '.tiff'),
    formula = x ~ y,
    data =,
    yat = seq(0,16,2),
    ylab.label = NULL,
    # set top label details = 'Sample Label', = 1.5, = -0.125, = 0.5, = 'left',
    # set main label details
    main = 'Sample Main',
    main.just = 'left',
    main.x = 0,
    main.y = 0.6,
    top.padding = 1,
    resolution = 200

# }