
The Database module is stored at kitchen_openapi/modules/database/, and consists of two major sets of functionality: table definitions, and migrations. Working with the database is done through the SQLAlchemy library, while database migrations are handled by the Alembic library and the ligare-alembic command.

In, the module creates basic table definition classes for each endpoint specified during creation. The class names match end endpoint names, and each contains an id and name field. These classes (and table names) can be renamed, extended, or moved around (as long as references are updated).

For database migrations, see ligare-alembic --help. This command is largely a wrapper for Alembic, so most of what applies to Alembic also applies here. The major difference lies in ligare-alembic’s integration with the rest of Ligare. In addition to using migrations, the Database module configures the application to create the database when the application first starts. This behavior can be found in kitchen_openapi/ where Base.metadata.create_all(...) is called, and can be removed if this behavior is not desired.

Adding Tables

class Bill(Base):
   __tablename__ = "bill"
   id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
   name = Column(String(50))

   def __repr__(self):
      return f"<Order {}>"