The framework API for creating Flask and Connexion applications.
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass
from os import environ, path
from typing import (
import json_logging
from connexion import FlaskApp
from connexion.options import SwaggerUIOptions
from flask import Blueprint, Flask
from flask_injector import FlaskInjector
from injector import Injector
from lib_programname import get_path_executed_script
from Ligare.AWS.ssm import SSMParameters
from Ligare.programming.application import ApplicationBase
from Ligare.programming.application import (
ApplicationBuilder as GenericApplicationBuilder,
from Ligare.programming.application import AppModule
from Ligare.programming.collections.dict import NestedDict
from Ligare.programming.config import AbstractConfig, ConfigBuilder, load_config
from Ligare.programming.config.exceptions import ConfigInvalidError
from Ligare.programming.exception import BuilderBuildError, InvalidBuilderStateError
from typing_extensions import Self, override
from .config import Config, FlaskConfig
from .middleware import (
from .middleware.dependency_injection import configure_dependencies
_get_program_dir = lambda: path.dirname(get_path_executed_script())
_get_exec_dir = lambda: path.abspath(".")
TApp = Flask | FlaskApp
T_app = TypeVar("T_app", bound=TApp)
TAppConfig = TypeVar("TAppConfig", bound=Config)
class AppInjector(Generic[T_app]):
Contains an instantiated `T_app` application in `app`,
and its associated `FlaskInjector` IoC container.
:param T_app Generic: An instance of Flask or FlaskApp.
:param flask_inject FlaskInject: The applications IoC container.
app: T_app
flask_injector: FlaskInjector
class CreateAppResult(ApplicationBase, Generic[T_app]):
Contains an instantiated Flask application and its
associated application "container." This is either
the same Flask instance, or an OpenAPI application.
:param flask_app Generic: The Flask application.
:param app_injector AppInjector[T_app]: The application's wrapper and IoC container.
flask_app: Flask
app_injector: AppInjector[T_app]
def app(self) -> T_app:
return self.app_injector.app
def injector(self) -> Injector:
return self.app_injector.flask_injector.injector
def run(self) -> None: ...
def run(
self: "CreateAppResult[Flask]",
host: str | None = None,
port: int | None = None,
debug: bool | None = None,
load_dotenv: bool = True,
**options: Any,
) -> None:
Call this method to start your application.
This method is a passthrough for `Flask.run`.
Reference https://github.com/encode/uvicorn/blob/fe3910083e3990695bc19c2ef671dd447262ae18/uvicorn/main.py#L463
:param host: The hostname this application should accept requests for.
If `None`, the value in the application's `FlaskConfig` instance is used;
otherwise, this parameter value is used.
:param port: The port this application should listen on for requests.
If `None`, the value in the application's `FlaskConfig` instance is used;
otherwise, this parameter value is used.
def run(
self: "CreateAppResult[FlaskApp]",
import_string: str | None = None,
host: str | None = None,
# uvicorn's default is 8000 but we default to 5000
# and try to load the value from a config file
port: int | None = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
Call this method to start your application.
This method is partly a passthrough for `uvicorn.run`.
Reference https://github.com/encode/uvicorn/blob/fe3910083e3990695bc19c2ef671dd447262ae18/uvicorn/main.py#L463
:param import_string: application as import string (eg. "main:app"). This is needed to run
using reload.
:param host: The hostname this application should accept requests for.
If `None`, the value in the application's `FlaskConfig` instance is used;
otherwise, this parameter value is used.
:param port: The port this application should listen on for requests.
If `None`, the value in the application's `FlaskConfig` instance is used;
otherwise, this parameter value is used.
def run(
import_string: str | None = None,
# uvicorn's default is but we default to localhost
# and try to load the value from a config file
host: str | None = None,
# uvicorn's default is 8000 but we default to 5000
# and try to load the value from a config file
port: int | None = None,
**kwargs: Any,
Call this method to start your application.
This method is partly a passthrough for `uvicorn.run`.
Reference https://github.com/encode/uvicorn/blob/fe3910083e3990695bc19c2ef671dd447262ae18/uvicorn/main.py#L463
:param import_string: application as import string (eg. "main:app"). This is needed to run
using reload.
:param host: The hostname this application should accept requests for.
If `None`, the value in the application's `FlaskConfig` instance is used;
otherwise, this parameter value is used.
:param port: The port this application should listen on for requests.
If `None`, the value in the application's `FlaskConfig` instance is used;
otherwise, this parameter value is used.
app = self.app_injector.app
injector = self.app_injector.flask_injector.injector
config = injector.get(FlaskConfig)
host = host or config.host
port = port or int(config.port)
if isinstance(app, FlaskApp):
import_string=import_string, # pyright: ignore[reportArgumentType] the connexion type annotation is wrong; `None` is supported.
FlaskAppResult = CreateAppResult[Flask]
OpenAPIAppResult = CreateAppResult[FlaskApp]
class UseConfigurationCallback(Protocol[TAppConfig]):
The callback for configuring an application's configuration.
:param TAppConfig Protocol: The AbstractConfig type to be configured.
def __call__(
config_builder: ConfigBuilder[TAppConfig],
config_overrides: dict[str, Any],
) -> "None | ConfigBuilder[TAppConfig]":
Set up parameters for the application's configuration.
:param ConfigBuilder[TAppConfig] config_builder: The ConfigBuilder instance.
:param dict[str, Any] config_overrides: A dictionary of key/values that are applied over all keys that might exist in an instantiated config.
:raises InvalidBuilderStateError: Upon a call to `build()`, the builder is misconfigured.
:raises BuilderBuildError: Upon a call to `build()`, a failure occurred during the instantiation of the configuration.
:raises Exception: Upon a call to `build()`, an unknown error occurred.
:return None | ConfigBuilder[TAppConfig]: The callback may return `None` or the received `ConfigBuilder` instance so as to support the use of lambdas. This return value is not used.
class ApplicationConfigBuilder(Generic[TAppConfig]):
_DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILENAME: str = "config.toml"
def __init__(self) -> None:
self._config_value_overrides: dict[str, Any] = {}
self._config_builder: ConfigBuilder[TAppConfig] = ConfigBuilder[TAppConfig]()
self._config_filename: str = ApplicationConfigBuilder._DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILENAME
self._use_filename: bool = False
self._use_ssm: bool = False
def with_config_builder(self, config_builder: ConfigBuilder[TAppConfig]) -> Self:
self._config_builder = config_builder
return self
def with_config_types(self, configs: list[type[AbstractConfig]] | None) -> Self:
_ = self._config_builder.with_configs(configs)
return self
def with_config_type(self, config_type: type[AbstractConfig]) -> Self:
_ = self._config_builder.with_config(config_type)
return self
def with_config_value_overrides(self, values: dict[str, Any]) -> Self:
self._config_value_overrides = values
return self
def with_config_filename(self, filename: str) -> Self:
self._config_filename = filename
self._use_filename = True
return self
def enable_ssm(self, value: bool) -> Self:
Try to load config from AWS SSM. If `use_filename` was configured,
a failed attempt to load from SSM will instead attempt to load from
the configured filename. If `use_filename` is not configured and SSM
fails, an exception is raised. If SSM succeeds, `build` will not
load from the configured filename.
:param bool value: Whether to use SSM
:return Self:
self._use_ssm = value
return self
def build(self) -> TAppConfig | None:
_ = self._config_builder.with_root_config(Config) # pyright: ignore[reportArgumentType]
if not (self._use_ssm or self._use_filename):
raise InvalidBuilderStateError(
f"Cannot build the application config without either `{ApplicationConfigBuilder[TAppConfig].enable_ssm.__name__}` or `{ApplicationConfigBuilder[TAppConfig].with_config_filename.__name__}` having been configured."
config_type = self._config_builder.build()
full_config: TAppConfig | None = None
SSM_FAIL_ERROR_MSG = "Unable to load configuration. SSM parameter load failed and the builder is configured not to load from a file."
if self._use_ssm:
# requires that aws-ssm.ini exists and is correctly configured
ssm_parameters = SSMParameters()
full_config = ssm_parameters.load_config(config_type)
if not self._use_filename and full_config is None:
raise BuilderBuildError(SSM_FAIL_ERROR_MSG)
except Exception as e:
if self._use_filename:
logging.getLogger().info("SSM parameter load failed.", exc_info=e)
raise BuilderBuildError(SSM_FAIL_ERROR_MSG) from e
if self._use_filename and full_config is None:
if self._config_value_overrides:
full_config = load_config(
config_type, self._config_filename, self._config_value_overrides
full_config = load_config(config_type, self._config_filename)
return full_config
class ApplicationConfigBuilderCallback(Protocol[TAppConfig]):
def __call__(
config_builder: ApplicationConfigBuilder[TAppConfig],
) -> "None | ApplicationConfigBuilder[TAppConfig]":
A method used to configure an `ApplicationConfigBuilder`.
Call the builder methods on `config_builder` to set the
desired options.
**Do not call `build()`** as it is called by the `ApplicationBuilder`.
:param ApplicationConfigBuilder[TAppConfig] config_builder:
:return None | ApplicationConfigBuilder[TAppConfig]: Any return value is ignored.
class ApplicationBuilder(GenericApplicationBuilder[T_app]):
def __init__(
exec: type[T_app] | Callable[..., T_app],
) -> None:
def with_flask_app_name(self, value: str | None) -> Self:
self._config_overrides["app_name"] = value
return self
def with_flask_env(self, value: str | None) -> Self:
self._config_overrides["env"] = value
return self
def use_configuration( # pyright: ignore[reportIncompatibleMethodOverride]
__application_config_builder_callback: ApplicationConfigBuilderCallback[Config],
) -> Self:
Execute changes to the builder's `ApplicationConfigBuilder[TAppConfig]` instance.
`__builder_callback` can return `None`, or the instance of `ApplicationConfigBuilder[TAppConfig]` passed to its `config_builder` argument.
This allowance is so lambdas can be used; `ApplicationBuilder[T_app, TAppConfig]` does not use the return value.
super().use_configuration(__application_config_builder_callback) # pyright: ignore[reportCallIssue,reportArgumentType]
return self
def build(self) -> CreateAppResult[T_app]:
config_overrides: NestedDict[str, Any] = defaultdict(dict)
if (
override_app_name := self._config_overrides.get("app_name", None)
) is not None and override_app_name != "":
config_overrides["flask"]["app_name"] = override_app_name
if (
override_env := self._config_overrides.get("env", None)
) is not None and override_env != "":
config_overrides["flask"]["env"] = override_env
_ = self._application_config_builder.with_root_config_type(
config = cast(Config, self._build_config())
if config.flask is None:
raise ConfigInvalidError(
"You must set [flask] in the application configuration. Review the documentation for the Ligare.web TOML format and requirements."
if not config.flask.app_name:
raise ConfigInvalidError(
"You must set the Flask application name in the [flask.app_name] config or FLASK_APP envvar. Review the documentation for the Ligare.web TOML format and requirements."
if not self._app_module_set:
_ = self.with_module(
AppModule(self._exec, None, import_name=config.flask.app_name)
if config.flask.openapi is not None:
openapi = configure_openapi(config)
app = cast(T_app, openapi)
app = cast(T_app, configure_blueprint_routes(config))
_ = register_api_request_handlers(app)
_ = register_api_response_handlers(app)
_ = register_context_middleware(app)
modules = self._build_application_modules()
flask_injector = configure_dependencies(app, application_modules=modules)
flask_app = app.app if isinstance(app, FlaskApp) else app
return CreateAppResult[T_app](
flask_app, AppInjector[T_app](app, flask_injector)
def _import_blueprint_modules(app: Flask, blueprint_import_subdir: str):
from importlib.util import module_from_spec, spec_from_file_location
from pathlib import Path
from flask import Blueprint
program_dir = _get_program_dir()
blueprint_import_dir = Path(program_dir, blueprint_import_subdir)
module_paths = blueprint_import_dir.glob("*.py")
blueprint_modules: list[Blueprint] = []
for path in module_paths:
if not (path.is_file() or path.name == "__init__.py"):
# load the module from its path
# and execute it
spec = spec_from_file_location(path.name.rstrip(".py"), str(path))
if spec is None or spec.loader is None:
raise Exception(f"Module cannot be created from path {path}")
module = module_from_spec(spec)
# find all Flask blueprints in
# the module and register them
for module_name, module_var in vars(module).items():
if module_name.endswith("_blueprint") or isinstance(module_var, Blueprint):
return blueprint_modules
def _register_blueprint_modules(app: Flask, blueprint_modules: list[Blueprint]):
for module in blueprint_modules: