Source code for Ligare.web.application

The framework API for creating Flask and Connexion applications.

import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass
from os import environ, path
from typing import (

import json_logging
from connexion import FlaskApp
from connexion.options import SwaggerUIOptions
from flask import Blueprint, Flask
from flask_injector import FlaskInjector
from injector import Injector
from lib_programname import get_path_executed_script
from Ligare.AWS.ssm import SSMParameters
from Ligare.programming.application import ApplicationBase
from Ligare.programming.application import (
    ApplicationBuilder as GenericApplicationBuilder,
from Ligare.programming.application import AppModule
from Ligare.programming.collections.dict import NestedDict
from Ligare.programming.config import AbstractConfig, ConfigBuilder, load_config
from Ligare.programming.config.exceptions import ConfigInvalidError
from Ligare.programming.exception import BuilderBuildError, InvalidBuilderStateError
from typing_extensions import Self, override

from .config import Config, FlaskConfig
from .middleware import (
from .middleware.dependency_injection import configure_dependencies

_get_program_dir = lambda: path.dirname(get_path_executed_script())
_get_exec_dir = lambda: path.abspath(".")

TApp = Flask | FlaskApp
T_app = TypeVar("T_app", bound=TApp)

TAppConfig = TypeVar("TAppConfig", bound=Config)

[docs] @dataclass class AppInjector(Generic[T_app]): """ Contains an instantiated `T_app` application in `app`, and its associated `FlaskInjector` IoC container. :param T_app Generic: An instance of Flask or FlaskApp. :param flask_inject FlaskInject: The applications IoC container. """ app: T_app flask_injector: FlaskInjector
[docs] @dataclass class CreateAppResult(ApplicationBase, Generic[T_app]): """ Contains an instantiated Flask application and its associated application "container." This is either the same Flask instance, or an OpenAPI application. :param flask_app Generic: The Flask application. :param app_injector AppInjector[T_app]: The application's wrapper and IoC container. """ flask_app: Flask app_injector: AppInjector[T_app] @property def app(self) -> T_app: return @property def injector(self) -> Injector: return self.app_injector.flask_injector.injector @overload def run(self) -> None: ... @overload def run( self: "CreateAppResult[Flask]", *, host: str | None = None, port: int | None = None, debug: bool | None = None, load_dotenv: bool = True, **options: Any, ) -> None: """ Call this method to start your application. This method is a passthrough for ``. Reference :param host: The hostname this application should accept requests for. If `None`, the value in the application's `FlaskConfig` instance is used; otherwise, this parameter value is used. :param port: The port this application should listen on for requests. If `None`, the value in the application's `FlaskConfig` instance is used; otherwise, this parameter value is used. """ ... @overload def run( self: "CreateAppResult[FlaskApp]", *, import_string: str | None = None, host: str | None = None, # uvicorn's default is 8000 but we default to 5000 # and try to load the value from a config file port: int | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """ Call this method to start your application. This method is partly a passthrough for ``. Reference :param import_string: application as import string (eg. "main:app"). This is needed to run using reload. :param host: The hostname this application should accept requests for. If `None`, the value in the application's `FlaskConfig` instance is used; otherwise, this parameter value is used. :param port: The port this application should listen on for requests. If `None`, the value in the application's `FlaskConfig` instance is used; otherwise, this parameter value is used. """ ...
[docs] @override def run( self, *, import_string: str | None = None, # uvicorn's default is but we default to localhost # and try to load the value from a config file host: str | None = None, # uvicorn's default is 8000 but we default to 5000 # and try to load the value from a config file port: int | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ): """ Call this method to start your application. This method is partly a passthrough for ``. Reference :param import_string: application as import string (eg. "main:app"). This is needed to run using reload. :param host: The hostname this application should accept requests for. If `None`, the value in the application's `FlaskConfig` instance is used; otherwise, this parameter value is used. :param port: The port this application should listen on for requests. If `None`, the value in the application's `FlaskConfig` instance is used; otherwise, this parameter value is used. """ app = injector = self.app_injector.flask_injector.injector config = injector.get(FlaskConfig) host = host or port = port or int(config.port) if isinstance(app, FlaskApp): import_string=import_string, # pyright: ignore[reportArgumentType] the connexion type annotation is wrong; `None` is supported. host=host, port=port, **kwargs, ) else: host=host, port=port, **kwargs, )
FlaskAppResult = CreateAppResult[Flask] OpenAPIAppResult = CreateAppResult[FlaskApp]
[docs] class UseConfigurationCallback(Protocol[TAppConfig]): """ The callback for configuring an application's configuration. :param TAppConfig Protocol: The AbstractConfig type to be configured. """
[docs] def __call__( self, config_builder: ConfigBuilder[TAppConfig], config_overrides: dict[str, Any], ) -> "None | ConfigBuilder[TAppConfig]": """ Set up parameters for the application's configuration. :param ConfigBuilder[TAppConfig] config_builder: The ConfigBuilder instance. :param dict[str, Any] config_overrides: A dictionary of key/values that are applied over all keys that might exist in an instantiated config. :raises InvalidBuilderStateError: Upon a call to `build()`, the builder is misconfigured. :raises BuilderBuildError: Upon a call to `build()`, a failure occurred during the instantiation of the configuration. :raises Exception: Upon a call to `build()`, an unknown error occurred. :return None | ConfigBuilder[TAppConfig]: The callback may return `None` or the received `ConfigBuilder` instance so as to support the use of lambdas. This return value is not used. """
[docs] @final class ApplicationConfigBuilder(Generic[TAppConfig]): _DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILENAME: str = "config.toml"
[docs] def __init__(self) -> None: self._config_value_overrides: dict[str, Any] = {} self._config_builder: ConfigBuilder[TAppConfig] = ConfigBuilder[TAppConfig]() self._config_filename: str = ApplicationConfigBuilder._DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILENAME self._use_filename: bool = False self._use_ssm: bool = False
[docs] def with_config_builder(self, config_builder: ConfigBuilder[TAppConfig]) -> Self: self._config_builder = config_builder return self
[docs] def with_config_types(self, configs: list[type[AbstractConfig]] | None) -> Self: _ = self._config_builder.with_configs(configs) return self
[docs] def with_config_type(self, config_type: type[AbstractConfig]) -> Self: _ = self._config_builder.with_config(config_type) return self
[docs] def with_config_value_overrides(self, values: dict[str, Any]) -> Self: self._config_value_overrides = values return self
[docs] def with_config_filename(self, filename: str) -> Self: self._config_filename = filename self._use_filename = True return self
[docs] def enable_ssm(self, value: bool) -> Self: """ Try to load config from AWS SSM. If `use_filename` was configured, a failed attempt to load from SSM will instead attempt to load from the configured filename. If `use_filename` is not configured and SSM fails, an exception is raised. If SSM succeeds, `build` will not load from the configured filename. :param bool value: Whether to use SSM :return Self: """ self._use_ssm = value return self
[docs] def build(self) -> TAppConfig | None: _ = self._config_builder.with_root_config(Config) # pyright: ignore[reportArgumentType] if not (self._use_ssm or self._use_filename): raise InvalidBuilderStateError( f"Cannot build the application config without either `{ApplicationConfigBuilder[TAppConfig].enable_ssm.__name__}` or `{ApplicationConfigBuilder[TAppConfig].with_config_filename.__name__}` having been configured." ) config_type = full_config: TAppConfig | None = None SSM_FAIL_ERROR_MSG = "Unable to load configuration. SSM parameter load failed and the builder is configured not to load from a file." if self._use_ssm: try: # requires that aws-ssm.ini exists and is correctly configured ssm_parameters = SSMParameters() full_config = ssm_parameters.load_config(config_type) if not self._use_filename and full_config is None: raise BuilderBuildError(SSM_FAIL_ERROR_MSG) except Exception as e: if self._use_filename: logging.getLogger().info("SSM parameter load failed.", exc_info=e) else: raise BuilderBuildError(SSM_FAIL_ERROR_MSG) from e if self._use_filename and full_config is None: if self._config_value_overrides: full_config = load_config( config_type, self._config_filename, self._config_value_overrides ) else: full_config = load_config(config_type, self._config_filename) return full_config
[docs] class ApplicationConfigBuilderCallback(Protocol[TAppConfig]):
[docs] def __call__( self, config_builder: ApplicationConfigBuilder[TAppConfig], ) -> "None | ApplicationConfigBuilder[TAppConfig]": """ A method used to configure an `ApplicationConfigBuilder`. Call the builder methods on `config_builder` to set the desired options. **Do not call `build()`** as it is called by the `ApplicationBuilder`. :param ApplicationConfigBuilder[TAppConfig] config_builder: :return None | ApplicationConfigBuilder[TAppConfig]: Any return value is ignored. """ ...
[docs] @final class ApplicationBuilder(GenericApplicationBuilder[T_app]):
[docs] def __init__( self, exec: type[T_app] | Callable[..., T_app], ) -> None: super().__init__(exec=exec)
[docs] def with_flask_app_name(self, value: str | None) -> Self: self._config_overrides["app_name"] = value return self
[docs] def with_flask_env(self, value: str | None) -> Self: self._config_overrides["env"] = value return self
[docs] @override def use_configuration( # pyright: ignore[reportIncompatibleMethodOverride] self, __application_config_builder_callback: ApplicationConfigBuilderCallback[Config], ) -> Self: """ Execute changes to the builder's `ApplicationConfigBuilder[TAppConfig]` instance. `__builder_callback` can return `None`, or the instance of `ApplicationConfigBuilder[TAppConfig]` passed to its `config_builder` argument. This allowance is so lambdas can be used; `ApplicationBuilder[T_app, TAppConfig]` does not use the return value. """ super().use_configuration(__application_config_builder_callback) # pyright: ignore[reportCallIssue,reportArgumentType] return self
[docs] @override def build(self) -> CreateAppResult[T_app]: config_overrides: NestedDict[str, Any] = defaultdict(dict) if ( override_app_name := self._config_overrides.get("app_name", None) ) is not None and override_app_name != "": config_overrides["flask"]["app_name"] = override_app_name if ( override_env := self._config_overrides.get("env", None) ) is not None and override_env != "": config_overrides["flask"]["env"] = override_env _ = self._application_config_builder.with_root_config_type( Config ).with_config_value_overrides(config_overrides) config = cast(Config, self._build_config()) self._register_config_modules(config) if config.flask is None: raise ConfigInvalidError( "You must set [flask] in the application configuration. Review the documentation for the Ligare.web TOML format and requirements." ) if not config.flask.app_name: raise ConfigInvalidError( "You must set the Flask application name in the [flask.app_name] config or FLASK_APP envvar. Review the documentation for the Ligare.web TOML format and requirements." ) if not self._app_module_set: _ = self.with_module( AppModule(self._exec, None, import_name=config.flask.app_name) ) if config.flask.openapi is not None: openapi = configure_openapi(config) app = cast(T_app, openapi) else: app = cast(T_app, configure_blueprint_routes(config)) register_error_handlers(app) _ = register_api_request_handlers(app) _ = register_api_response_handlers(app) _ = register_context_middleware(app) modules = self._build_application_modules() flask_injector = configure_dependencies(app, application_modules=modules) flask_app = if isinstance(app, FlaskApp) else app return CreateAppResult[T_app]( flask_app, AppInjector[T_app](app, flask_injector) )
[docs] def configure_openapi(config: Config, name: Optional[str] = None): """ Instantiate Connexion and set Flask logging options """ if ( config.flask is None or config.flask.openapi is None or config.flask.openapi.spec_path is None ): raise Exception( "OpenAPI configuration is empty. Review the `openapi` section of your application's `config.toml`." ) if config.flask.openapi.use_swagger and config.flask.openapi.swagger_url in [ "/", "", ]: raise Exception( f'The configured Swagger URL "{config.flask.openapi.swagger_url}" cannot be used. Remove `flask.openapi.swagger_url` from your configuration, or change the value to something else.' ) exec_dir = _get_exec_dir() connexion_app = FlaskApp( config.flask.app_name, specification_dir=exec_dir, swagger_ui_options=SwaggerUIOptions( swagger_ui=config.flask.openapi.use_swagger, swagger_ui_path=config.flask.openapi.swagger_url or SwaggerUIOptions.swagger_ui_path, ), ) app = config.update_flask_config(app.config) enable_json_logging = config.logging.format == "JSON" if enable_json_logging: json_logging.init_connexion( # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownMemberType] enable_json=enable_json_logging ) json_logging.init_request_instrument( # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownMemberType] connexion_app ) json_logging.config_root_logger() # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownMemberType] app.logger.setLevel(environ.get("LOGLEVEL", "INFO").upper()) _ = connexion_app.add_api( f"{config.flask.app_name}/{config.flask.openapi.spec_path}", validate_responses=config.flask.openapi.validate_responses, ) # FIXME what's the new way to get this URL? # if config.flask.openapi.use_swagger: # # App context needed for url_for. # # This can only run after connexion is instantiated # # because it registers the swagger UI url. # with app.app_context(): # # f"Swagger UI can be accessed at {url_for('/./_swagger_ui_index', _external=True)}" # ) return connexion_app
[docs] def configure_blueprint_routes( config: Config, blueprint_import_subdir: str = "endpoints" ): """ Register Flask blueprints and API routes """ if config.flask is None: raise Exception( "Flask configuration is empty. Review the `flask` section of your application's `config.toml`." ) app = Flask(config.flask.app_name) config.update_flask_config(app.config) enable_json_logging = config.logging.format == "JSON" if enable_json_logging: json_logging.init_flask( # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownMemberType] enable_json=enable_json_logging ) json_logging.init_request_instrument( # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownMemberType] app ) json_logging.config_root_logger() # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownMemberType] blueprint_modules = _import_blueprint_modules(app, blueprint_import_subdir) _register_blueprint_modules(app, blueprint_modules) return app
def _import_blueprint_modules(app: Flask, blueprint_import_subdir: str): from importlib.util import module_from_spec, spec_from_file_location from pathlib import Path from flask import Blueprint program_dir = _get_program_dir() blueprint_import_dir = Path(program_dir, blueprint_import_subdir) module_paths = blueprint_import_dir.glob("*.py") blueprint_modules: list[Blueprint] = [] for path in module_paths: if not (path.is_file() or == ""): continue # load the module from its path # and execute it spec = spec_from_file_location(".py"), str(path)) if spec is None or spec.loader is None: raise Exception(f"Module cannot be created from path {path}") module = module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(module) # find all Flask blueprints in # the module and register them for module_name, module_var in vars(module).items(): if module_name.endswith("_blueprint") or isinstance(module_var, Blueprint): blueprint_modules.append(module_var) return blueprint_modules def _register_blueprint_modules(app: Flask, blueprint_modules: list[Blueprint]): for module in blueprint_modules: app.register_blueprint(module)